Hello everyone. I hope to keep this updated in attempt to keep in touch with all of our friends and family out there. So far in 2010, we have celebrated both Chase's 2nd birthday and Eli's ** birthday as well...I guess we'll leave that number out. We are old enough now that we don't want to keep count exactly.
Chase is getting so big and learning new things all the time. He is such a character and so full of energy! He is alot of fun!
We are getting ready for Sidney's 11th birthday now. It's so unbelievable to me. She has grown so fast. Sidney is still dancing every opportunity she gets, but no longer taking actual lessons, unfortunately. Hopefully we will be able to get her back into that soon. She does enjoy playing volleyball. She will start her 3rd season this spring. Of course, I thoroughly enjoy that!
Eli is still working at Boeing,playing basketball and playing his favorite video games.
I stay busy taking care of the kids, watching another little one 2-3 days a week and working for a business owner once a week doing office work.
Eli and I are very excited to announce that we are expecting a new addition to our family in September. I think Chase will make a great big brother as he already shows quality big brother skills with the little girl I watch 2-3 days a week here at home. So, he's getting good practice. Sidney will be such great help for us. She is already a wonderful BIg Sister! And, of course, the Grandparents are thrilled!
So, that gets us up to speed. Until next time...