Sidney went to Florida with her Dad for a week and a half. When she returned, she started band camp the very next day and that took up all of her July. We didn't get to see her much during the month. However, we made the most of our two weekends together. I took her and cousin Kali to see Eclipse and then spend the night at Mimi and Papa's house. They had fun riding the go karts. Sidney was also able to make it to the big 'All Fluked Up Rib Cook Off.' The 3rd annual cook off was held at my in-laws and on my mother-in-law's birthday to boot. so twice the occasion this year. There is always a large crowd out there; All my in-laws and their friends; Our friends and their families. It was so neat to see family from my side join us this year. My parents have actually made it out every year. The first year, along with my parents, Eric, Geetha, Kali, Kole, Uncle Sam and Grandma Mo made it. But this year, even family from California made it; Uncle Bo, Scott, Shelly, Ashley and Cody made it along with my parents, my brother and his family, Uncle Sam and Jerad! The more the merrier! The weather was great. It's a full day and evening of festivities. Most pitch tents in the yard and camp out. It's quite the event.
The last weekend of the month, Chase and I were able to go visit my parents down in Silver Creek. The weather was beautiful. I took Chase out on the go kart. He also got to ride on Papa's big tractor and run around out in the big back yard. Chase loved it. We played some 10,000, a family dice game that's been around all my life from my dad's side. The next day, we headed back to Olympia to see Sidney play the clarinet in her Summer Band Camp Concert. We followed that up with a late lunch-early dinner at a close by Mexican Restaurant.
So now, August here we come, time to start getting things together for our big camping trip...